The "Hollywoodbets Back On Track Challenge" gets underway on Monday 1st June 2020, involving all racing at Hollywoodbets Greyville and Hollywoodbets Scottsville. Terms and conditions for the Back On Track Challenge for GROOMS is shown below.
Learn more about the Hollywoodbets Back On Track Challenge by viewing the press release here.
Terms & Conditions
Hollywoodbets Back on Track Challenge
Grooms Challenge
- The Challenge will run for the period from 1 June 2020 to 25 July 2020.
- A minimum of ten (10) race meetings must be completed in this period for the challenge to be validated. If ten race meetings are not completed, this challenge shall be void. If fewer race meetings are held than originally scheduled but exceed ten, then the prize money shall be pro-rated. By way of example, if only fifteen race-meetings are completed and twenty were scheduled, then the total prize money shall be pro-rated as 15/20 x R40 000 = R30 000.
- This Challenge is open to all grooms who attend to and look after racehorses which race at race meetings held at Hollywoodbets Greyville and Hollywoodbets Scottsville.
- This competition runs alongside the current grooms’ award, where the winning grooms will continue to receive R1 000 per race.
- Total prize money to the value of R40 000 shall be shared amongst the top 10 grooms as follows:
- Winner - R16 000
- 2nd Place - R10 000
- 3rd place - R5 000
- 4th place - R3 000
- 5th – 10th places - R1 000
- The Winners
- The top 10 grooms sharing in the overall prize money shall be the grooms who have tended the most winning horses during the period. Where a dead-heat is declared for any position, then dead-heat rules will apply and the contestants will each receive half of the aggregated funds on offer.
- Grooms (and horses) from all provinces are eligible for this challenge.
- Trainers will be required to nominate the groom responsible for each horse at the start of each race meeting. A data base of the grooms and horses will be maintained. It is the rule of thumb that grooms are responsible for no more than three horses in a stable.
- The challenge is intended for recreational purposes only. Should any participant be suspected of abusing the spirit of the competition, Hollywoodbets reserves the right to withdraw any prize money awarded.
- Hollywoodbets and its authorised agents reserve the right to vary, suspend, postpone or terminate the competition or any aspect thereof, for any reasons whatsoever, at any time whatsoever and without notice. In such event, participants hereby waive any rights or expectations, which they may have against Hollywoodbets or its authorised agents and acknowledge that they will not have any recourse or claim of any nature against Hollywoodbets or its authorised agents.
- If contestants are unsure of the challenge details, they may contact
- Every groom participating in the challenge shall be deemed to have acknowledged and accepted the rules by virtue of their participation.
- Companies in the Hollywood Sportsbook Group are licensed betting operators. Hollywoodbets supports responsible gambling. No persons under the age of 18 years are permitted to gamble. Winners know when to stop. National Gambling toll-free counselling line 0800 006 008.
View the Terms and Conditions for each challenge below:

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