Interested in learning more about the Racing Blitz and the Daily Double? Make sure to check out explanations of these race types below.
Racing Blitz
The Blitz Meeting is made up of seven races from around the world that will be combined into one “race meeting”. This bet type will be made up of a combination of the seven best-quality races from South Africa, the United Kingdom, France, Singapore as well as Hong Kong. All of these races will take place at mid-afternoon times, significantly shortening the amount time spent waiting between races.
There will be five different exotic bets offered on each Racing Blitz Meeting. Punters can bet on one or all of the exotic markets offered. Dividends will be declared by SAFTOTE. The available markets are:
• Place Accumulator from race 1 to 7
• Pick 6 from race 2 to 7
• Jackpot from race 3 to 6
• Pick 3 from race 5 to 7
• Daily Double on race 4 and 5
Daily Double
The tote has done away with Tote Doubles for local racing. The Tote Double as we knew it has been replaced by a Daily Double. The Daily Double will be the race after the first leg of the Jackpot for South African racing and will be offered on the last two races for selected United Kingdom, Irish and French meetings.
Importantly, all TOTE DOUBLES are now a R6 unit (as opposed to the previous R1 unit).
As Hollywoodbets offer a R1 unit/ bet - the dividend advertised by SAFOTE is now divided by 6 to make it a R1 unit.
In cases where the Daily Double is offered on international race meetings, it will always be on the last two races except for Dubai, Mauritius, Kenya and Zimbabwe. Meetings that take place in these four countries will be treated exactly the same as meetings in South Africa, with the race after the first Jackpot leg forming the first leg of the Daily Double.

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